Tuesday, October 5, 2010

God's presence

Hello fellow brothers and sisters! :)
Pastor Bobby came to preach in Choir practise, and he shared a fantastic sermon which I believe is a word in season for all of us.
So here it goes, my sermon notes (I summarized it so as to fit our attention span):

PS 23:4 - Fear no evil (e.g. job interview), for You're with me, not because of external factors (eg. skills)
What calms you down is God's presence.

2 Chro 7:14 - Seek God's face to conquer your problems.
"My face" in Hebrew is "paw-neem", which refers to presence

Therefore, the solution to every problem is to seek God's presence.

1) God delivered Israel out of Egypt by His presence. (Deut 4:35-39)
Nothing shall be against you when God is with you!

2) David VS Saul (both commited sin, but God chosen David, why? Because David did the right decision - to seek God's presence) Ps 27:7-11

1) have a great LOVE for God.
Prov 8:17
Love has different levels:
A. God draws near to you, meet your needs. honeymoon period.
B. You love God for who He is, not what He can do for you.
(Your reactions to your trials in life shows God how much you love Him)
Be addicted to God's presence.
Love God = Love His presence.

2) Seek His presence with DILLIGENCE.
Prov 4:23 - Guard your heart above all things = Seek God more than you seek any other thing.
This is the attitude and the way to find Him e.g. in your QT.
God as priority

Exo 33:15-20 - Moses is ready to die just to see God's face.
SACRIFICE = being fearless e.g. to put your other commitments aside to pray and read the Bible
There's no shortcut. Most of the times, we have to sacrifice to seek God.
e.g. waking up early just to seek Him

Let's go higher in our spiritual level! :D

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